Coffee with CIS - Latest News & Articles - Coffee with CIS
Author’s Information
 Serial Entrepreneur, Marketing Expert, Investor, AI & Blockchain Evangelist
As the Founder and COO at Cyber Infrastructure (P) Limited, it is my aspiration to drive our global clients ahead in the competitive technology world by enabling them to receive huge financial and operational benefits in software development through my years of experience and extensive expertise as technology adviser and strategist. In my current position at CIS, I spearhead management of various technology initiatives, expansion of our technology capabilities, and delivery of quality excellence to our clients. With a vision of stellar success for our clients, I lead our team at CIS towards superlative innovation in ideas and solutions in technology.

Blockchain’s popularity and real-world applications are expanding at a rapid rate. However, the skill set and resources required for blockchain application development and hosting are costly and scarcely available.

blockchainapplicationdevelopment blockchaindevelopmentcompany customblockchaindevelopment crossplatformappdevelopment
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Since the Covid-19 situation where people were often locked in their homes, fitness and workout apps have become a common norm. People are more aware of their health today and take the best steps to maintain good health. 

AppforWorkout&FitnessMobile AppDevelopment
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Cloud-based solutions are believed to solve some of the biggest challenges of the business world. And as we see it, it surely does make the life of enterprises easy. According to Cisco, the cloud host over 94% of the workload and computing process in 2021. This is unimaginable how...

cloudintegrationservices cloudcomputingservices SAPdevelopmentservices
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The software development market is highly saturated. This means there are a lot of players in the IT domain from whom you can take custom software development services.

customsoftwaredevelopmentservices softwaredevelopmentservices SaaSdevelopmentservices SaaSproductdevelopmentcompany
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Netflix has created a cult-worthy employer brand over the last few years. The brand is now known as WeAreNetflix on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. It differentiates itself from the consumer brand and is simply called Netflix on LinkedIn. 

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These are five reasons you should avoid your personal name and instead create a brand new name.My friend and ex-colleague quit her job to become a freelance brand consultant. She planned to build a website that showcased her work and detailed her abilities, just like any...

BrandName CreateaBrand
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Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm, and like responsible decision-makers, you must be thinking of leveraging the technology for improved business processes and elevated user experience.

artificialintelligencesolutions cloudcomputingservices AIdevelopmentcompany androidappdevelopmentcompany
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Entrepreneurs should be as focused on their brand as they are on their business.

WebDeveloper WEbDevelopment
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The launch of a new taxi service for schoolchildren has brought about a change in the way that parents can earn income.

AndroidAppDevelopmentCompany Androidapp AndroidAppDevelopers IoSDevelopment ioSDevelopmentCompany
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CHICAGO - It could be the return of taxis.Curb, a taxi-hailing app, has been redesigned by its developers to be as seamless as possible for passengers using rideshare apps such as Uber and Lyft.In recent years, taxis have been beaten to death. One reason is that customers want to...

Newapp ApplicationDevelopment AndroidDeveloper IoSDeveloper
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