Coffee with CIS - Latest News & Articles - Coffee with CIS - Page 3
Author’s Information
 Serial Entrepreneur, Marketing Expert, Investor, AI & Blockchain Evangelist
As the Founder and COO at Cyber Infrastructure (P) Limited, it is my aspiration to drive our global clients ahead in the competitive technology world by enabling them to receive huge financial and operational benefits in software development through my years of experience and extensive expertise as technology adviser and strategist. In my current position at CIS, I spearhead management of various technology initiatives, expansion of our technology capabilities, and delivery of quality excellence to our clients. With a vision of stellar success for our clients, I lead our team at CIS towards superlative innovation in ideas and solutions in technology.

Both the small and the larger business opt for various integrated solutions in order to develop an app according to their organization. Among this integrated solution, the cloud-based solutions or SAAS has proven to be the best for every organization. As it provides better management...

cloudcomputingservices SAPDevelopmentServices SaaSDevelopmentCompanies SAPDevelopmentCompany cloudintegrationservices
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The introduction of CMS in the present market is a game-changer for webmasters. Earlier time business owners and entrepreneurs have to hire a developer for every minor change on their websites or in their web applications. But now with the help of these CMS or Content Management...

websitedevelopmentservices SitecoreCMSDevelopment bestwebdevelopmentcompany SitecoreDevelopmentCompany CMSDevelopmentServices
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  The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled the globe to embrace the widespread usage of online education. Although digital and remote education has been employed in the past as well to ensure educational continuation, including in the following disasters, the size of the present...

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Cloud computing is attractive, but attractive things often carry a lot of challenges with them. People want to take the benefits of cloud computing and cloud application development, but not all of them can do it right.

cloudcomputingservices cloudintegrationservices SAPdevelopmentservices SaaSdevelopmentcompany
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In today’s world, doing business is so tough yet so easy. It is so because the competition is very high and easy because there are so many tools that you can automate most of the tasks. It helps a business in many ways and gives time to the top-tier people to think about strategies and...

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In the modern age of medical services, Remote Patient Testing allows several people to have the medical support that they require or desire.

mobileappdevelopment SaaSDevelopmentCompany cloudintegrationsolutions applicationdevelopmentcompany healthcareapplicationdevelopment
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Blockchain is a common name if you follow banking, investing, or cryptocurrency over the last ten years. This technology is acting as a backbone for the Bitcoin network.

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ASP.Net is one of the best web development frameworks. It is a technology backed by Microsoft, which makes it more reliable. Developing a web application requires you to know the specific details of the project.

ASP.netservices ASP.Netdevelopmentservices enterprisemobilitysolutions
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Cloud computation is considered to be a delivery of many computing services on a platform regulated by a third party. The overall services are inclusive of different types of software, server storage, and databases.

EnterpriseApplicationDevelopment asp.netdevelopmentservices EnterpriseMobilitySolutions Azurecloudsolutions MicrosoftAzureSolution
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Software development is something that you can never understand properly. The biggest challenge that companies face is, finding a company to which they can outsource their development work.

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