With the ever-growing mobile workforce over the globe, the opportunities of companies are enormous, and they are constantly looking at different methods to make the transition of the mainstream workforce into a potent mobile workforce. In order to achieve that, companies are heavily investing in enterprise mobility management or EMM platforms. Enterprise mobility solutions allow companies to swiftly enhance and advance their governance through mobile devices along with improved security as well as formalized use policies that simplify the work of IT management.
As these solutions constantly change and evolve, businesses are certainly fine-tuning their own device management strategies in order to leverage the overall benefits of the mobile environment while controlling the inherent risks of different security breaches, data loss along with the high costs that are associated with the device management. Here are some of the points explaining how to enhance your enterprise mobility management strategy to achieve long-term success.
1. Start setting device restrictions solely based on security requirements
Companies can essentially vary widely in why and where they draw the line with respect to device restrictions. The various security concerns are the major reasons these restrictions are enforced, but companies may have to clamp down on the overall device usage for personal reasons or different other behaviours as well as actions that fail to comply with the company policy. Companies do have a lot of latitudes when it comes down to how exactly they set these numerous restrictions, but they need to be mindful of the eventual blowback that can come with these restrictions which might appear harsh or even unnecessary.
Also, security restrictions are quite essential, and employees aren’t more likely to get upset in case they understand this clear logic. However, these same employees might be unhappy in case the company block the personal email, social media websites or other potential diversions. Unless there exists a security issue at large, it is worth lowering the morale of the company to force the employees to remain focused on the job. This is quite essential if you enact a BYOD or Bring Your Own Device policy as among the crucial benefits of BYOD for the employees is the inherent ability for their own devices to easily function as personal as well as business tools while they are at work. Enterprise mobility services have to take this aspect into consideration while developing EMM solutions.
2. Shifting company culture in the direction of mobile transformation
Enterprise mobility management can offer the required governance as well as support to the devices of employees, but it is the primary onset of mobile transformation along with innovation within the company. Employees have to understand that improved mobility is actually designed to significantly uplift their productivity along with device security as well as overall customer experience. Also, it is estimated that an average company gains additional hours of productivity every year from every employee working with the enterprises. This particular message can be easily carried by the IT professionals as well as top-most management executives. It needs to be framed less as an extensive IT initiative and more like a venture which drives transformation across the enterprise and makes the job of everyone quite easy.
3. Weighing in the cost of containers with care
Containerization is becoming quite a popular strategy for the purpose of segmenting the contents of various mobile devices and creating a rather individual context that actually dictates which particular parts of the devices can be easily accessed as well as by whom and when it can be done. It is quite a reliable strategy for protecting the enterprise’s sensitive data which is stored in the user’s device, and it reduces the threat of malware as well as other security breaches.
Along with this, containers are considered to be a burden on the IT department when it comes down maintaining and monitoring them. The advocates of containers still argue that they are quite necessary in order to protect the company from any impending disaster and in few cases, it might actually hold true. Each company need to decide all by itself whether the different digital threats that it faces are worth the difficulties in user experience when it comes with the whole concept of containerization. Hire a custom app development company that can address this entire issue.
4. Supporting security via a unified platform
Unified endpoint management is certainly gaining enough traction as an important subset of enterprise mobility solutions which manage a complete range of various enterprise devices that include tablets, smartphones, wearables, desktop computers, IoT devices and anything else that is connected to the overall enterprise environment. Unified platforms actually simplify the entire process of management of different technologies that use various operating systems and streamline the demands on the IT in order to manage the overall enterprise environment. By utilizing a unified platform, the companies can easily address the various potential security gaps which would otherwise get exposed whenever a certainly new touchpoint gets added to the entire enterprise mobility management environment.
5. Leveraging the Cloud
A complete combination of private and public clouds is being utilized for almost everything, ranging from hosting applications to even storing data. For the purpose of enterprise mobility management, the cloud can easily be a solution for housing different services or even storing highly sensitive data which shouldn’t be kept on the devices of the employees. Cloud solutions do provide the flexibility in order to support the pre-existing enterprise mobility management strategy without actually burdening the IT infrastructure with extra maintenance tasks and even create new security challenges for the enterprise. As the entire shape of enterprise device environments keeps on changing at a rapid pace over the years, cloud-based IT solutions provide greater agility in order to meet the ever-evolving demands.
Indiscreet devices are challenging for any enterprise. IT doesn’t have any choice but to actually cope up with these different devices in order to reduce the various prospective threats. With the progress of enterprise mobility management, you need to search for new solutions as well as strategic shifts which reinforce the overall mobile management without actually hindering the daily operations. You can enhance your enterprise mobility management strategy by following and investing in the above-mentioned aspects.