We have always looked at the moon from a distance. We have appreciated its beauty from time immemorial. Now technology has become so advanced that we can hold it in the palm of our hands to explore its history, surface, and future.
Quantum technology is China-based startup having its developers in Beijing and California. The developers have used Dot net programming along with the Microsoft Azure cloud services to provide astronomical volumes of data to augment the reality experience called LUNAR. LUNAR is the most powerful and most accurate monthly replica of the moon which will bring the planet in your palm. To develop it, the startup has used .NET core and Azure to build the app quickly.
With a large number of data from NASA lunar reconnaissance orbiter, quantum technologies use state of the art technology to build the most accurate model of the Earth’s satellite moon. Every volcano, sea, lava flow and the meteor is created with precision.
LUNAR is available in Pro (12 cm), regular (8cm) and Mini (3 Cm) versions. Each version is powerful in its sense, but the real trip to the moon comes to life with AstroReality augmented reality mobile app. The app is built with cross-platform .NET core and hosted with Azure App service. AstroReality app is available for Android and iOS smartphones.
How to use it?
You can take a trip to the moon by aiming your smartphone camera at LUNAR to link it with AstroReality app. On the screen, you can see many labels and icons pop up with thousands of surface features, Apollo landing sites and other sites of historical interest. When you spin LUNAR on its stand, the label changes its view.
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By tapping an icon to zoom the feature, you can get historical and scientific data, view animations, photos or stock video. In future, Quantum technologies are planning to introduce a gaming interface to perform space tasks, to explore LUNAR surface and even colonize the moon with the similar augmented reality experience along with the same accuracy and precision of the LUNAR models.
A giant step
A virtual moon will give you the feeling of the real one. There are still significant challenges for the young startups with crowd source funding especially to process the massive amount of data and in integrating the advanced technologies.
The startup uses .net development services along with the Azure storage, Azure SQL Database and Azure Redis Cache to capture data for AstroReality App and LUNAR. In addition to this, they are also used to add data layers for the gaming interface. Engineers from Quantum Technologies who are familiar with the process of Microsoft app development have found the .net development services highly productive.
Dot net programming and Azure is used by quantum Technologies to reduce the cost and streamline the development process. It took only four months to build AstroReality App and LUNAR by two engineers which according to the company was way ahead of schedule.
LUNAR can put the lunar scientists and astronomy admirer on the surface of the moon, and Microsoft app development services have played a significant role in it. By 2018 Quantum Technologies plans to build a Mars model and app which will be followed by the Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn.