This revolutionary era of growth in the IT sector has led to many great developments.
Every software development company has put forth the best in the process. The boost in the number of android development company has led to a boom in the number of a mobile application development company.
The development of apps requires a certain server along with many specifications. One such server is very popular among the developers i.e. NODE.JS.Many mobile application Development Company have switched to node due to this being open-source and cross-platform. With billions of downloads, Node.js has given a thrill to many software development companies in building real-time applications and microservices.
Introduction to NODE.JS:
NODE.JS is a server-side platform developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009. It is built on Google chrome’s javascript engine (V8 engine) for creating fast and scalable network applications. It is an open-source cross-platform, Javascript runs time environment that allows execution of Javascript code outside of a browser. Node takes the I/O from the network thus preventing the wasting of data and time in repeated CPU cycles.
The other advantage that has made a place of the node in much developer’s list is that it allows the developer to write the client-side code in addition to the server-side code without the need of learning a different language.
It also allows the usage of new ECMAScript as there is no need for all of your users to update their browsers. Instead, you are the one who decides to which ECMAScript version is to be used by simply change the node version. One can also enable many features and specifications by running Node.js with flags.
Here are a few key features that make it a priority amongst the architects.
Very fast
As the platform is built on Google Chrome’s V8 engine, the library is very fast in code execution.
No buffering
As the output is given in slabs, the data does not buffer in this application.
Event-driven and Asynchronous
The APIs of this program are asynchronous which means they are nonblocking in nature. Due to this nature, the server need not wait for the data to return from the API and moves to the second API after calling it once. The notification mechanism allows the server to receive a response from the previous API call.
Read the blog:- Which applications normally make use of Node.js?
Single-threaded though highly scalable
It uses a single thread and at the same time, it can handle a number of requests, unlike traditional servers. It has event looping mechanism that responds in anon blocking the way and thus allowing efficient handling.
The platform gains its license from MIT license, which turns out to be highly compatible as it is permissive license pushing only a few limitations on reuse.
Why are developers using NODE?
There is always a question that just being 10 years old node has overtaken many giant servers in the field. The platform also paves the way for many tyros who have just got into the field through various startups. So to answer this we have a few points on the node.
1. Node allows the use of same backend and frontend language for operation.
The problem of translating faced by developers actually disturbs their focus from the coding. This is a two-way communicating server model. It eases the work as the startup does not require a different developer just for translating languages. It gives a two-way conversation stage between the client and the server, where they can exchange the data rapidly and efficiently.
2. Node is a user-friendly platform.
For new developers, it contains tutorial videos while for experienced developer it is easy to use as it uses Javascript for coding and communicating on both sides. The asp net application development is tougher than this as it requires a developer to know the languages on the server and client-side.
3. Node is single-threaded.
As like several other platforms, the node does not initiate a new thread for a new request from the client. That indicates that every call executes in a sequence of asynchronous callbacks.
4. Node has substantial library support.
It works in a very well organized manner where it does not block the input-output flow and thus it scores over many other platforms.
5. Node-based apps are very scalable.
As it flows the stepwise approach it is easy to add any new modification to an existing application and thus it becomes convenient to run and deploy any change.
6. The supremacy of node is defined through its performance. Many companies those who have chosen node over asp net application development have reported a major change in the numbers of request per second and have noticed an increased response time. The figures have clearly indicated the efficacy of Node.
Node has shown many benefits to developers, clients, and vendors. Many companies including Uber, NASA, Netflix, Mozilla, Linkedin, PayPal, Trello, eBay, Yahoo, Groupon and many others including an iPhone app development company whereas a few iPhone app development companies cannot use node because of the restrictions by ios.