Why Exactly Should You Choose Python Development on Microsoft Azure?

Why Exactly Should You Choose Python Development on Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure is one of the most popular technologies of the 21st century. It is basically a cloud computing platform powered by Microsoft and launched in 2010. It can help entrepreneurs to avoid investments for creating data centres and server maintenance.

Azure also offers their uses finest cloud computing service including object storage, virtual machines, and CDNs. It also provides other proprietary Microsoft technologies for no extra investments. The users will be also able to enjoy the Active-directory and SQL-server which are the cloud-hosted version of Microsoft Solutions.

To develop software in Microsoft Azure’s cloud computing space you need a programming language. It has been seen that the application created with Python on Azure are the most stable, flexible, and efficient applications.

To know more about both Python and why you should choose Python development on Microsoft Azure, please continue the blog.

What is Python and Why Use It?

Python is the most commonly used programming language in today's market. It is easy to learn, write and read. Moreover, it is capable of creating an application that has a better user interface, stability, and security. Some of the popular apps created with the help of Python are Instagram, Facebook, Spotify, Reddit, and Google, etc.

While developing software for your business it is very necessary to choose the correct tools. In some, cases choosing the correct tools can make your developing experience much better. If your choice of creating tools is wrong then, the end product might not meet your product expectations. Plus, it may slow the development process or results in an unstable product.

Just like that programming language is the most important tool of an application. And opting for Python as your programming language can ensure the success of the application in the future. Here are some of the reasons to support the above sentence,

  • Easy to write code which results in better developing process speed

Python is well known for its accessibility speed. If you hire .net developers, they will be able to deliver the product in a much shorter time. This is because it gives the developers choice of various frameworks and libraries. So, the developers don’t have to go through the traditional hand-coded method which practically quickens your time-to-market.

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There is a rumor that Python is slow. But the truth is the only the compiling speed of Python is slower than other programming languages. But still, it is the choice of tech giants like Google. This is because though the runtime of the language is slow, it saves more money on the creation process. As per hour changes of hiring a team of developers is much more than launching a little slower app on the market.

Moreover, Python also provides a better trailer and tested the product in a shorter time-to-market.

  • Reading and maintain the codes are very easy

The syntax of Python is close to the English language, clear and compact which makes it easier to decrypt. Plus, performing certain tasks needs a very little amount of coding than other programming languages like Java and C++.

You will not face any problem on reading your own code or if the code exchange hands. This especially helps the application testers of the organization. As they don’t have to understand each and every line from the developers. Any person with a moderate knowledge of programming languages can understand as it is like written in English.

All these decreases the time required and increases the efficiency of the testing phase. Plus, the saved time can be spent on maintaining and enlarging the codebase.

  • The codes can be used a broader spectrum of application

With the increase of application in the daily life of people, the demand for Python is also increasing day by day. It won the most demand among the programming languages in the year 2019. The constant uprise of the language can be seen in the TIOBE index and Coding Dojo.

If you use this programming language while developing an application for your business. You can be sure that you will be able to fix any kind of issue/problem during the development process. moreover. If your issue is common enough you might get a ready-made solution on its library itself.

Python can create software in a healthy environment with better chances of fixing bugs. This opens a whole new possibility for the tech world. Tech giants like Google are still working on guides and tutorials and get the most possible outcomes from Python.

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  • Codes can be tried and tested in better scalability

Some of the famous projects created with Python-like YouTube, Reddit, and EVE Online. They are effectively using the measuring scalability features of this programming language. This is because the surge in the scale cannot be predicted in other programming languages.

What are the Advantages of Using Python?

Many advantages are there of using Python in fields like web development and IoT. Such as,

  • Option for pre-built library

Python provides the best web development company advantages like machine learning, image and data processing, and deep learning.

  • Presence of a built-in framework useful for unit test

The built-in framework of this programming language helps the developer to create bug-free codes. Python comes with a selection of well-supported frameworks which can help to find the suitable starting point of any type of project. You will be able to develop a better stable and dynamic software for every requirement like,

  • Performance of the app
  • Fast implementation of the app in the market
  • Providing out of the box solutions
  • Special features which require microservices.
  • The simpler and clear syntax which takes less time to write

Syntax of this programming language is very easy to write which helps to create a quick prototype for the clients.

  • Increases the speed of ROI for commercial projects

Quick-release of the prototype or the beta version of the software helps the start-ups to ship and launch faster.

  • Can be considered a popular asset

The wide usage of this programming language results to from a huge extensive library. This can help the developers to get quick solutions to the set-backs and launch the product in the market.

  • Easy to gain knowledge

As the codes are like the English language. Learning the language is very easy. Moreover, it will take much less time if you have an idea of other programming languages and how they work.

  • Presence of features like expandability and portability

These are some of the key features of Python. As the programming language is independent in nature and compatible with various any type of system. Even the single-board system present in the market can compile Python irrespective of their OS and architecture.

  • Best for IoT development due to better scientific computation

If you want to create a programmer for the scientific devices used by Social and Biological scientists. Python may be the best option for you as its go-to technology will be able to create dynamic software.

  • IoT development tools are present like Webrepl

This feature helps the developers to run the Python codes on browsers like Chrome, Firefox, etc for IoT. Plus, the developers are able to configure or change the codes while compiling the codes.

  • Testing the end product is easy

This programming language allows you to test the end product without compiling the programming code on your PC. You don’t have to flash your device for compile the code like you have to do for C language.

What is Microsoft Azure?

Azure is a cloud computing service powered by Microsoft. Nowadays, instead of leasing physical servers or building own servers inside on site. All companies are choosing this type of cloud computing services. This is because it saves a huge amount of time, money, and resources. Like the traditional data centers, Microsoft Azure also charges their clients depending on the storage and the place of hosting.

Recently Microsoft is collaborating with some of the hardware companies in order to implement the hybrid cloud system. Some of the hardware companies are Lenovo, EMC, Huawei, HP, and Cisco. This hybrid cloud system will enable the Azure users to gain access to their organization from both the Azure cloud and Azure Stack platform.

Usually, Azure cloud solutions include CND, Windows Related services, Virtual Machines, and cloud storage. But there are additional services that Azure provides their users for better maintenance of client’s business such as,

  • Azure Stack Hub

This is an on-site service that ensures better bandwidth and security for the client’s data. Services provided should on-premise because it deals with the sensitive data of the client.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service

It helps to increase the focus of the developers on the specific application by managing the Kubernetes clusters. This can be done by creating, scaling, and upgrading the development process.

  • Azure Orbital

This service deals with the astronomical need of the clients. As it is a cable of communicating with the satellites and space crafts. Plus, it also processes the data which are received from the space crafts which don’t have any ground satellites.

  • Azure Blockchain Service

Blockchain services help the clients to focus on the app development portion. As it can govern, manage and expand the blockchain network to a wider spectrum of audiences. The client’s data will be managed and governed according to the business logic.

  • Azure Arc

Azure Arc helps the client to process data on multiple environments in both hybrid and on-site formats.

  • Azure Digital Twins

This service provides their clients the ability to develop connections between people, places, and devices. The process of connecting is called Spatial Intelligence Graph. And the process is done by creating a virtual representation of the actual environment.

  • Azure Redis Cache

It is basically a modified and managed form of Redis Data Structure. this is possible as it is an open-source data system. Some of the other modifications of hosted SQL and OData are Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Search respectively.

  • Azure IoT Suite

This service is noted for the analytics and telemetry of the user devices. Basically, they monitor and connect the client’s data with the users.

  • Azure HD Insight

Azure HD Insight is the customized version of Hadoop deployment.

  • Azure Media Service

This service helps the client to play-videos, transcoding, and protection of the content. It is one of the most demanded among all the services.

What are the Advantages of Using Microsoft Azure?

When Microsoft Azure took Iaas (Infrastructure as a service) and Paas (Platform as a service) under its wings. It became the most leading cloud computing service in this market. Azure offers their clients a feature-packed product which is easily customizable according to the requirement of the business. And the clients have the facility to create, deploy and maintain the app data without establishing any on-site data center.

Flexibility with operating systems, better form of security, and faster-processing speed help Microsoft Azure to increase the client base. Microsoft Azure Solution might be the ladder to success for many of the companies present in the market. Here are some of the advantages of using Microsoft Azure as the framework for developing your application,

  • Specific application for a specific business

Sectors like Government, Finance and Health care services business requirement changes from company to company. Each and every company needs a different interface, security protocols, and data management systems. So, Microsoft Azure provides all these high-risk developments different and unique specifications for each of the clients. That is why Azure has great experience in delivering simple, unique, and customizable apps inkling the offline cloud feature.

  • Provides every perk for both small and established business

Azure provides its facility for any kind of business whether it may small or big, new or established, and local or international. Even if your business is just a local bakery shop you will be able to avail the services of Microsoft Azure. The service will be provided according to the investment and scalability of the business. Moreover, the small or start business can save the cost of maintenance of both hardware and software. All those things will be don’t by the external or internal computational capability of the cloud.

  • Compatibility, security, and disaster recovery

Microsoft Azure always focuses on the security of the client’s data. Asit deals with many clients like health organizations and the government who have sensitive data. For this reason, Azure provides their client a number of security certification so that the data stay safe with them. Data is not only secure on the client-side but any kind of data while processing on the platform is also secure. Some of the certifications that Azure provides their clients are ISO security, SOC2 accounting, and PCI security standards.

Plus, Microsoft Azure is also useful in the time of crisis as it has the ability of multi-factor authentication and restoration of client’s data.

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  • Best Iaas and Paas services

Iaas and Paas services of Azure help the client in the rapid launch of the product. It also provides its clients a choice of hybrid cloud or public cloud. There is also an option for clients if they want to operate the computing autonomously. As a result, the clients will be able to access and maintain the data without unlaying any on-site infrastructure.

  • Expansion of the developing IT infrastructure

Microsoft Azure has the power to deploy an app with little to no downtime in the market. This helps the IT employees of the client-side to focus on the business strategy and development. As the maintenance will be handle by the cloud computing system by itself.

It is safe to say that Microsoft Azure has established their boundaries countries more than Amazon and Google. This is because it creates an integrated development environment which makes the developers less time learning. And more time on mastering the customization of the software on the platforms. It is also proven that Azure is the fastest delivery system for the content and provides a better experience for users. Moreover, the client of Azure will have to pay only for the specific services they have opted for.

Reasons Why You Should Create Python Application on Microsoft Azure

The entrepreneur and the business owner of this market usually want their app to quickly and with broader exposure. In this scenario, developing an app using Python on the Azure cloud comping system will be best for them. Plus, the app will get better exposure and the client will be able to experience other services from Microsoft.

Here are some of the reasons why they should create Python apps on Microsoft Technology Associate

  • All sort of compatibility in one platform

The applications developing on Azure can be created for any platform. Just the developer has to change some codes. The AI of Azure will assist you with any kind of searching and knowledge gain. It also allows the implementation of the speech and language setup on the developing application. Basically, Python can access all the features of Microsoft Azure and can give you a hassle-free experience.

  • Better Efficiency

Microsoft Azure can provide the Python developers a foundation for the developing app. Including services like app hosting, Artificial Intelligences, Open-source database and much more. If you use this programming language on Azure you will be able to decide the working path of the development process until deployment. This is the reason the outcome thus created will have better stability and processing speed.

  • Improved Security

When you are creating an app on Azure with the help of Python you don’t have to worry about the security of the applications. Azure provides its client a well secure surrounding for the applications. This is possible because Azure follows various security protocols including ISO security, SOC2 accounting, and PCI security standards.

  • Quick Analysis

Using Azure with Python will give you a deeper overview of the performance of the app. Moreover, you will be able to analyze your business data and change the police if you are not going in the right direction. This will help you to improve your decisions and choose the way to succeed in this market. This is very important for the start-up who recently joined this industry. And will help to stay a few steps ahead of its competitors.

  • Better Accessibility

Azure can ensure your access to your business from any place of the world at any time. Though Azure's primary work is cloud computing it is also known as Worlds Computer. You will be able to manage and keep track of all the stored business data without remaining active all day. You just need an internet connection on your devices to gain access to all of your data. These features are helpful for the business owners who are out-sourcing their development process to overseas development companies.

  • Better Flexibility

Features including clustering and remote debugging can be done easily if you use Python on Azure cloud computing System. There are much more activities that can be done while developing an app on Azure. This is because it can create a web-based environment that will be suitable for the app. Plus, it can interact with any type of computer system.

Not only Python, but Azure can also support varieties of programming languages including Node.js, ASP.Net, and Java, etc. That means ASP.net development services can also work in Microsoft Azure and expect a better result than any other cloud computing technologies. Moreover, there is a feature called iPython notebook which helps the developers to keep records of the formulas, specific codes, and texts, and proceeded results. Even live computation of the graphical media can be done with the help of this feature.

Conclusion- Using Python as the core operating tool on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing system. Will help you to make a better, stable, dynamic, and unique application. Both Python and Azure are the best in their field. So, if you create an application using the two best components the product will itself be a success. Plus, you can set a hassle-free way to the front-line of this market. And for that, you have to pay only for the services that you are choosing and save a lot of resources.