What are some good project ideas in IoT that uses Big-Data?

What are some good project ideas in IoT that uses Big-Data?

Of all the technologies that have entered in the modern landscape, IoT has been among the most exciting ones.

IoT or the Internet of Thing is generally discussed as services which are enabled by the connected devices. However, its actual impact comes from the entire network of devices as a whole along with the data they are quite able to gather or collect.

At present, when someone thinks of IoT, they focus on something such as Amazon Echo that listens as well as responds to the user commands and directly provide services. However, for most of the businesses that are using the Internet of Things Solutions, this isn’t actually a practical application that they think of. 

So, what does it actually takes to make IoT a valuable proposition for the businesses? Well, there comes big data development services. Most companies often find much more success by uniting IoT as well as big data along with using connected devices to gather vital information and then funnel it into a completely central system. That’s where these companies enable businesses to leverage big data solutions for IoT.

It is quite obvious that if you just stop thinking about IoT as something like putting an app or even a Wi-Fi on everything and also start thinking about it as a method to cheap collate lots of data about your business processes as well as customers and even environment, in that case suddenly it will certainly become difficult to see where IoT won’t be able to help your business. At present, there are leaders in each and every industry which are currently making breakthroughs in the deployment of IoT devices and also reaping actionable data. Here are some good project ideas in IoT, which utilizes Big Data.

Before that, we should look at how IoT and big data come together. Well, as new sensors along with mobile as well as wireless technologies are currently driving the actual evolution of the IoT, the actual business value of IoT certainly lies in latest buzz-word, the Big Data analytics, instead of the hardware novelties and innovations. 

After all, why would you transmit information from different IoT sensors to the actual end-user in case you don’t have any form of analytics platform which is rich enough to duly extract valuable insights from it or even transform and translate it into much more insightful consumer experiences?

Most of the software developers leading the market who also pioneer the IoT analytics clarify how IoT analytics is providing different transformative business opportunities which are up for grab for every business. So, let’s look at what IoT analytics is.


IoT Analytics

The most essential things to understand regarding analytics on the IoT data is actually that it requires and even involves datasets which are generated by different sensors, that are now becoming cheap as well as brilliant enough to provide support to an almost countless variety of different use cases. 

Also, the actual potential of the sensors clearly lies within their inherent ability to easily collect data about the surrounding physical environment that can easily be analysed or even combined with different other types of data in order to detect patterns eventually.

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The inherent ability of the sensors to gather insights of physics actually leads to few real-time contexts regarding a particular person, that can then easily be combined with the entire expressiveness of the entire data from social media of that person to yield and achieve a strong and better understanding of that individual or even a group of people. In case if it is carried out in correct fashion, it can certainly provide a wide range of the latest new services for the consumer.

For instance, an IoT app development company can leverage big-data to use video analytics powered with machine-learning in order to track movements of the audience during an event to reveal the engagement level of the crowd. For similar kinds of projects, the following sensor data will be required, such as :

  1. Video Feeds
  2. Product usage data (Not sensor data, necessarily)
  3. Mobile geolocation data
  4. Social media data (collated with IoT data)
  5. Log files (different computer-generated records of events and operations in software applications or networks and much more.)

In order to say these types of data aren’t actually specific to IoT is completely missing the point. In most cases, the value of certain sensor data only achieves meaning or becomes clear when it is completely integrated or even correlated with other data sources. 

Now, let’s look at some of the good project ideas for IoT that utilizes Big Data which can drive transformative business impacts right across different verticals.

Idea 1- Consumer Product Usage Analytics (Marketing)

Different IoT solutions have the inherent potential to completely and entirely rewrite how businesses approach their customers. One of the ways is already happening, which is analysing the information about how particular consumers utilize internet-connected products of the business.

In this regard, IoT connected products such as coffee makers are now transmitting information to their manufacturers about how many pots of coffee a particular consumer is brewing per day and similar information regarding the usage of the product by the consumers. An AI development company can develop a solution to allow the manufacturer of coffee makers to analyse this data. 

This data can easily be correlated with the actual social media data in order to determine whether the consumers who are brewing more coffee are much more likely to be discussing the brand actively on social media. Also, the vendor can even see whether the variations in the different amounts of coffee brewed by the consumers even correspond to the actual amount of coffee capsules that are sold by the vendor.

Key Insight- The IoT isn’t only about launching new types of products. Big Data Analytics on the entire IoT data regarding product usage also reveals actionable marketing insights regarding the customers and supply chain operations of the business.

Idea 2- Providing Business Users and Consumers Analytics with the Same Analytics 

Among the fascinating aspects of the analytics on the entire IoT data is the actual potential for the analytics be both consumer-facing as well as business-facing simultaneously.

As per a company selling smart energy meters which don’t need meter readers, they sell into the county and state governments along with private energy providers, such that the organization can easily perform fraud detection on their own meter data along with revenue projections. The other channel is actually consumer-oriented. As the analytics enable the portals for the customers or consumers to manage their own energy consumption and see how much they have gone over or under other households in their neighbourhood, also tun their appliances on as well as off to determine how they actually impact the entire energy usage. 

In this particular case, the business actually generates particular value from the same analytics in two distinct ways.

  1. Conventional data-mining in order to detect fraud
  2. Providing or enabling a new service for its own customers that appeals both to green and thrifty consumers.

Key Insight- Make the most of the deployment of different internally-facing IoT analytics by enabling the different externally-facing dashboards for your own customers. Mobile apps and web portals are currently the best way for customer-facing dashboards. You can hire an IoT app development company to develop such a consumer-facing dashboard app.

Idea 3- Connected Events enabled with Sensors and Cameras

Among the most exciting domains in the entire IoT, analytics is the rapidly emerging field of social analytics. It involves using video data, sensor data, social media data etc. in order to obtain actionable insights into the behaviours as well as personalities of the individuals as well as groups. There are companies that are helping to establish this field via its focus on connected events. 

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Essentially, connected events are the event where large-scale sensor deployments are made to assist with the understanding as well as enhancing the participants’ experiences.

There are sensors which are deployed on people which enabled the analysis of different human emotions rather than simply device usage. It is a form of analytics, also known as sentiment analysis. Biometric sensors, as well as networks, are quite important enabling technologies for this sentiment analysis.

These companies are using facial expressions through video, motion through accelerometers and gyroscopes, cheering and booing through audio, excitement through heart rate, stress through skin conductance etc. coupled with innovative machine-learning-based analytics in order to infer emotions of people in a way that wasn’t possible anywhere at any time before.

A lot of what these companies do at these connected events actually extends way beyond sensor data into the entire field of video analytics which is a form of analytics that is based on machine learning, often termed as video anomaly detection. This type of analytics actually takes the raw input right from a camera and then learns the entire scene.

The IoT is hence expanding to finally include cameras as quite rich data sources along with sensors, frequently to analyse the same situation from completely different perspectives instead of those provided by the sensors. In order to deal with such huge data from the camera, big data cloud solutions are also needed.

Also, motion detection and facial recognition are both crucial areas in terms of enabling social analytics through video. Companies can use motion detection in order to find where the audience of an event is actually looking to detect events that draw the attention of the entire group. They measure that by looking at the faces of their audience and using eye position as well as mouth position in order to understand the focus as well as the level of a person’s interest.

At present, social analytics is also creating business value via supporting the video capture of different important moments of given events. By means of analysing the emotions along with behaviours as well as focal points of a group or crow to actually pinpoint the real highlights of the event, different video clips can easily be created which tie in naturally with the overall interests of the crowd and hence by extension, to the online viewers too.

Key Insight- The entire potential for the complete generation of media as well as enhancement of events through these IoT solutions is only becoming quite clear and the early adopters for whom this entire customer experience is a mission-critical need to assess their projects’ bandwidth in this particular space.

Idea 4- Surveillance and Safety through Video Analytics

Protection of infrastructure certainly goes much beyond predictive maintenance, and often people need protection from the infrastructure itself. Companies have started in protecting infrastructure through the deployments of cameras along with motion as well as radar sensors. This is being done, especially in the case of oil and gas fields, where the danger is way too great.

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In the context of surveillance, the detection of anomalies is crucial, and there are various novel mechanisms to achieve it. An AI development company can allow the machine to try to actually figure out what the real state of the video or other types of sensor feed is and derive different things, normal or abnormal, over time. It creates anomaly indices, and if something goes past threshold, it is then termed as an anomaly.

Also, monitoring the sensor feeds by human operators can even adjust this threshold for what actually counts as an event that is worth their attention. A traffic management system that is based on video analytics is such an example. These technologies are great in adjusting operations, along with ensuring safety. Video analytics can easily be utilized to manage crowd movements in different queues as well as management of actual crowd density at events. To deal with the high-amount of processing, cloud-computing services can be utilized.

Key Insight- Expensive infrastructure of industries can easily be managed as well as protected through this IoT analytics. It includes sensors as well as video analytics. Moreover, the latest technologies which support the connected city will also be quite largely enabled through the entire IoT analytics or IoT, which utilizes Big Data.

Essential Takeaway

The project ideas we have examined here provide you with some of the ideas of the entire extent of what can be achieved through IoT, which uses Big Data. However, details of enabling technologies behind these IoT platforms aren’t covered, which use specialized kind of data science to deal with huge, vast, real-time datasets that are generated by sensors. Along with AI as well as Industrial IoT or IIOT tools, as well as the analytical methods utilized with them, for that, best practices for IoT analytics need to be followed.


Over the years, we have certainly witnessed the rise of the Internet of Things. It has revolutionized different sectors like manufacturing, automotive, healthcare, retail etc. With the huge amount of data generated by IoT sensors, businesses expect to determine meaningful insights from it. In this regard, big data analytics can provide a new window opportunity for businesses. The massive volume of data generated by IoT devices can give actionable insights about people’s behaviour when coupled with social media data. Big data analytics can provide a deeper insight into people’s personality through analysis of this data along with analysing it with social media data. This can help the retail industry where the businesses can get more information about the product usage pattern of the consumers. 

With companies gaining great insights through analytics, it can even provide the consumer with a consumer-facing dashboard to keep track of their own usage, especially when we consider areas like energy. With IoT sensors and Big Data, companies can create connected events that allow them to study the behaviour of the people in the event and gather key data regarding their responses. Stress, excitement, motion, facial expressions, etc.

It can be tracked and quantified by the sensors and help the companies to know the vital statistics regarding the events. It helps in duplicating the events which deemed more eventful and exciting for the people. Also, through video analytics, the companies can find the exciting point of an event through studying people’s eye position and mouth and then create video clips which can certainly be exciting to online viewers too. 

With IoT playing a key role in the management of infrastructure, it can also be utilized to safeguard people at those infrastructures, especially in the oil and gas industry, manufacturing, etc. IoT, which uses Big Data, can be utilized in traffic management and detection of anomalies and allow the authorities to react to these anomalies.

It can also be used to detect these anomalies at different events through understanding and analytics streams of feed from different sensors and quantify what a normal event is and what is an anomaly. With such a huge volume of data and massive computation required and need to deliver insights at a fast pace, big data cloud solutions will be the best bet for it.

IoT, which uses Big Data, has massive applications in different fields of industrial and commercial sectors. Mentioned-above are some of the good project ideas which can be pursued by any IoT application development company.  


  • https://youtu.be/hGa0fwpxMWk