Coffee with CIS - Latest News & Articles - Coffee with CIS
Author’s Information
 Drupal Consultant
I have more than 10 years of experience working in the IT industry and as Process Manager at Cyber Infrastructure, leading successful development and delivery of crucial open source technology projects. I work for international clients who belong to diverse industries like Education, Healthcare, Travel, e-commerce etc. By working with such a wide range of clients on their complex software projects, I have gained deep understanding of the working and trends of these industry domains. I have great deal of interest in working on cutting edge technologies.

Building a website in today's world is not at all a difficult task. There are many website developers available in the market who can meet all your requirements at an affordable price.

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It is important to know about one of the most popular and useful software for CMS Development services or the digital marketing industry.

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Customer Relationship Management or CRM software is quite vital for most of the firms.

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It is certainly a known fact that people will always be searching and looking for jobs.

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Whether you are building your first e-commerce site, or you have decided that it is time for an upgrade, locating the best CMS (content management system) to your website can be the greatest obstacle in the planning procedure.

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In the 18 years-long journeys, Drupal has evolved in several facets from responsive Bartik to decoupled Drupal.

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This article is about the AMP and its integration with Drupal. As the number of internet user who uses mobile devices for internet access increased rapidly, so for an instant rendering of web pages Google has brought AMP.

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In the era of digital innovation, web technologies play an important role. There are following technologies which are part of next-generation web development: Emerging markup languages – HTML5 Mobile web technologies and Progressive Web Apps Social web...

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