Tips To Improve The Performance Of A React Native App

Tips To Improve The Performance Of A React Native App

React Native is used by many companies all around the world including some big Fortune 500 companies to create applications for Facebook, Walmart, Instagram, Tesla and Uber, and so many others.

React Native App Development Company is working with great dedication to provide these big and medium level companies the applications that can attract their customers and can satisfy their requirements. enterprises around the world are switching from Android App Development Services that are a form of Native app development to the React Native App Developers who make the application more interactive and attractive.

AI development company also take the use of React Native to develop better applications and implement the best features of AI in them. There are multi-core CUP’s in most of the mobile phones and other devices these days still have high performance is something that app developers wish for. The normal developers can also develop their own groundbreaking apps with some helpful advice and guidance. The developers can speed up MVP development by their ability to develop platform-agnostic mobile applications with react native framework.

Below are some tips that can help the developers to improve the performance of their React Native Apps:

1. Removing Features that are Unnecessary

It happens sometimes that the pages of the application might slow down while opening or interaction, the developers should consider the architecture of the mobile application. Removing the unnecessary data, tabs, controls, navigations or animations can help the application in speeding up. The developers should keep in mind that only those features that are useful to the application are displayed. Unnecessary features just add to the screen time and make the app to slow down.

2. Avoiding Leakage of memory

Extra processes that run in the background can lead to leakage of memory in the application on an Android platform. The developers should ignore the ListView and should instead use scrolling lists like Flat List, Section List or Virtual List. Avoiding ListView and using any one of the scrolling lists will make sure that the performance of the android applications is maintained.

3. Reducing The Size of the Application

To improve the performance of the application developers can also reduce the size of the application. The size of most of the applications increases because most javascript applications require the use of third-party libraries and native components. The developers should only use those components that are necessary and the use of those components should also be optimized. By using ProGraud the developers can reduce the size of the graphics used in the application. With smaller applications, the devices usually respond better.

4. Converting JSON

Fetched data from distant URL’s is required by the cell phones, and many times, this data that is retrieved comes back in the form of JSON, and unfortunately, JSON data is retrieved very slowly in the Java applications. To avoid this condition of slow download, the developers should simplify the JSON data. Android App Development Services always keep in mind the points that may affect the performance of applications.

5. Improving the Launch Time of the Application

The time is taken by application adversely affects the interest of the users. If the time taken is more, the app will fail to attract the targeted audience. One important factor that affects the launch time of the app is object.finalize. This runs on threads and can display error messages which shows the app has run out of memory even when there is a sufficient amount of memory left. This often leads to slower launch times.

Read the blog- Flutter for hybrid application development and React Native for native

6. Reducing the Bridge Load

There is a bridge between the Javascript side of an application and the native side that interconnects both of them. The load on the bridge should be reduced if the developers want to ensure better and smooth performance. Doing research about the dependability of the open-source libraries before using them and by avoiding the act of moving the components on to the main thread just because of their heavy use of queues of messages to get connected with the native side can help reduce the load on the bridge and make the application perform better.

7. The orientation of Screen

When the orientation of some React Native applications is changed from portrait to landscape, they terminate. This issue of orientation can make gaming, taking pictures, watching videos and other functions difficult. To solve this problem the developers can use the react-native orientation, but this cannot be done for the iOS devices. The developers can instead try to work with the application’s root view.

8. One Thread at One time

A major feature of React Native is that it can only support one thread at a time. Only render one service followed by other threads simultaneously. This statement can be understood by the example of chat and camera services which cannot be rendered at the same time while working with React Native.

9. Accurate use of the images

It is important to use image caching to download pictures at a fast speed while using React Native. The option of image caching is not available for the android platform, it is for the iOS platform. Although the feature is great for fast downloading of images, the developers can still run into problems. The images should be converted into PNG format before being used and the developers should make sure the size of images is small, and then the images should be saved as WebP format.

10. Coherent Use of Maps

The application of navigation in React native can prove to be slow and clunky. To improve the performance in speed, console.log can be eliminated when the map library is merged into the app. This helps in preventing the app from saving information in the XCode and updating your maps automatically. This eventually results in the slowing of navigation.

These were some tips that can help the React Native App Developers to improve the performance of a React Native App. React Native App Development Companies are trying to make the applications that are free from lagging and they make sure that the application’s performance is always up to the mark.