Three of the Most Unusual Sectors That May Prosper with AI

Three of the Most Unusual Sectors That May Prosper with AI

Re-thinking the way you can and should employ AI may be the most significant thing that you do in 2018.

AI is becoming a catch-all expression for invention around information--even at a panel discussion with nine of the cleverest minds in AI, there was a debate on what it is and how it's used.

If the smartest minds i.e. people from Adobe, Carnegie Mellon, MIT and many more cannot figure it out, how would we! Nonetheless, it's undeniable just how much potential there is to use AI to improve almost anything we currently do.

So let us start showcasing where and how marketers may be effective with AI. It's my resolution to demystify AI for everyone.

HR Activities

Twenty years back, you required trading in a hard copy of your resume. Automating that process online made it even easier for HR to sift through applications and for folks to apply.

With no ability to sift through hundreds or even thousands of applicants, businesses began using the keyword search to flag and remove resumes fast to narrow down things. Loads of good folks get lost in this procedure.

Lindsey Zuloaga, Director of Data Science, HireVue, enlightened us with a fascinating story during an interview about how there are tools to add hidden key phrases into a resume so it is going to get through. That is currently a faulty strategy.

"Companies that are using AI tools are top gift right away out there before conservative companies have had a opportunity to check at resumes," said Zuloaga.

Instead of passively sifting through manuals, companies are going after possible candidates that fit their standards.

This radically changes the framework. How can you use it as a company? It can mean more efficacy for recruiting staff or not having to use a recruiting firm since it's possible to bring that attempt in-house. How do you leverage it as an entrepreneur? In the same way as any other disturbance, this will change the power structure producing market share.

Be a talent finder or a talent connector, simply don't be an additional work board. Nobody in the history of mankind likes posting their resume into a list on work board and then most likely not receive any response.

Social Responsibility

Non-profits struggle with tech investment since they uniquely have to show where and how each donor dollar is spent.

Jake Porway, Creator and Executive Director, DataKind sees a potential for non-profits and AI where "we do not just look for great values in data, we use AI to our own human worth. Almost every field could be touched by AI in some way."

He'd like to find, that this not is about corporations alone. And not be dependent on non-profits alone that they must resolve the issue. But that we actually create spaces where we combine a non-profit that understands exactly what needs to be done with a company with the data and resources to have it done. And that's how we can push together to use data for social goodness.

Creative and Designing

"Many of AI right now is a narrow AI, task-based. But we are entering an exciting moment for creatives and designers in the feeling that in case you have a look at what's going on in the digital marketplace area, need to create expertise. Now we could wed the artfulness of imagination with all the computational intelligence and logic of science to make better experiences," said Chris Duffey, Sr.. Strategic Development Manager, Adobe.

Duffey sees AI as the ideal way for manufacturers and startups alike to find and engage their customers. And it is not complicated. The much more targeted and much less intrusive and publicize could be improved. You likely don't fill out the survey when provided by a cashier. I know I don't.

But just like we can utilize AI to create far better diagnostics and possibly cure disease in healthcare, we can use it in the company at a small and large scale to become incredibly more effective in the way we reach individuals. Less guessing means less danger, particularly for smaller businesses.

Underrated is the way how AI can be employed to create, design and more artistic areas--not only in a time-saving way but to really spark and inspire imaginative ideas based off of information science.