Ten fundamental questions to ask to hire app developer

Ten fundamental questions to ask to hire app developer

In today’s tech market apps’ importance are increasing day by day.

Whereas, competition among different software companies setting a high bar. As meeting the complicated and different needs of customers they are doing various innovations to ensure themselves by getting a huge market by their side.

Whereas, this increased demand in the market leads to get more workforce for developers so no delay would happen and be able to give daily updates on those apps before their deadline. This all can be done when you have efficient app developers in your mobile application development company.

Which now become the hardest job to do as there are only limited positions to be filled and 10X its candidate would be available for the interview. So, it really comes to this to ask difficult of course and right fitted questions to be asked while interviewing. Why is it really preferred a whole different difficulty level? While hiring an app developer it can make easier for the interviewer to analyze their behavior, their way of reaction towards question as which one of them would be suitable for that position.

Alongside those questions, it can reflect that where candidates are applying is really the dominant representative of this tech market. But coming to the process of hiring an app developer, the company should’ve kept in mind while taking the interview of course if your company is that developed you probably what points those would be but if you’re not that developed or if you’re a non-technical person then give a glimpse those points below:-

  • With what languages, technologies, and platforms should quality be proficient?
  • How can you analyze which developers would be good in communicating with others? Which of them hardly will interact with you while development would be in the process?
  • Which one of them would be identified as a better developer than others?

Well, these were some key features which you have to keep in mind while hiring, the rest of it you can make ideas out of it. But now the main thing comes that what and which questions you have to really ask candidates as don’t worry we got that covered for you as you these questions below can help you out from this confusion.

1. Can you provide examples of mobile apps you’ve developed?

This certain question can make it easier for you to realize that this candidate is coming here would be having experience or not? Why is that so? Well, because the moment they’ll hear this question would get excited to show you their previous work data that what they used to play their role in this process of development.

If he/she was from App Store developing company or from the top android app development company or any other software. Which can assure you their past performance to their assigned tasks? If you find the one with no experience then it comes to judge their quality by the way of their talking, their honesty as well.

2. What kind of smartphone do you use?

The simple basic one, but can be more reveal able than the previous one. As you’ll get to know the particular candidate that how much dedication show his own developed apps. Or if talking about rookies then he/she must be assertive to their targeted apps and they should’ve known about their interests to your company.

Simply if they were used to work in Apple app providers then he must have an iPhone and if it’s from android app development providers then, of course, they should have an Android compatible device. And with those apps they have to be like while using they are just playing with it.

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3. What is your app development process like- do you do agile development?

As in the time of uncertainties every enterprise even if it is a mobile application development company faces problems which all would be inevitable. So, all your operations have to be done in a hurried procedure.

So, from their explanation, they would give you have to simplify their words and really make it understandable that how long they would take to complete the project. And how would they face all technical problems (if any) occurs? And most importantly, would they be able to develop an app under provided developmental costs.

4. For what size companies have you building apps?

If you really interested hiring experience then from reading the question you can identify it. How accurate performance of your candidate can be exemplified by having more disclosures from the candidate itself. Well, we can see that the size of any enterprise makes a huge difference among them even if they are providing the same service.

Where developing process we can it may in the majority of comparisons but what it makes different from them it is having meetings, the specific project mentioned techniques, management style and formal documentation. So, if you match your candidate which they were worked in the same level of yours then it can be easy for not only you but for the candidate as well as he/she would be familiar from the same environment.

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5. How can make my app money?

The real MVP question to be asked to measure your candidate how much he/she efficient can be. Well, for sure every app developer wants to earn some revenue from their apps, it’s just that they would like to know the procedure behind it.

It can vary the version of your app if it is a paid then it is much easier to gain revenue from the per-download system from apps provider platform, which all depends on your app is how many features it is able to offer to your market. If you’re going for free one then the respective candidate should be well-prepared with the services of display-ad, in-app purchases and with paid subscription as well.

6. How will we communicate during the development procedure?

Referring to the 2nd bullet point which we had mentioned earlier about communication with your developer. As communication plays a major role in this whole development process. So, for ensuring your best quality for your app it really depends how much invest in it.

And how will you communicate your developer according to his/her choice? Can be in person, or via Skype, e-mail? Or instant message or any other mode of communication so no obstacles would occur throughout this whole development process.

7. What technology services you offer? Are you versatile or have proven specialization?

While during hire app developer procedure you should know about all skills what candidates perceive in just one time talk to him/her. Otherwise, it can lead to the long time taken for any task given to them or further costs can happen if you know that it could be done within your walls instead of outsourcing it. So, knowing them A to Z will get you a robust confirmation as to where your specific candidate stands.

8. How well would they understand the business of yours and how well their customers as well?

It’s really important to know your candidate how much they know not only about your business but your customers also. If he/she would be having lesser knowledge or not at all then it’d be like providing them tuition but you have to give them a salary for teaching. Strange isn’t it? So you should go for that one who is well knowledged by your work and how you offer your customers a good digital product so your favorable position can be maintained in the market.

9. What will be your approach to user experience and design principles in app development?

One important aspect which can give you a smaller advantage to be a top android development company or if you’re operative on App store. Then you should hire those ones who know to give them a lot of features, by a lot here means should be a limit with great design and vx designs which ensure to bend to your customers as well as possible.

Losing them can really result in you in the loss. As the user can make their opinion about your app as to how they feel while using it so it can affect your market in either way.

10. Would you be able to develop apps for different app providing platform?

Fitting into only one platform can provide you only limited customers. So, you have to be sure while hiring that developer must know about other platforms as well. Because earning in Android compared to App store is lesser as iOS users tend to spend more on paid apps. Along with it, program designing for an app store is much different coding done. As app programmed for iPhone really perform much different than its own iPad.

In conclusion, we can say that we provided you much help with your hiring procedure so it won’t be difficult for you to find a better and suitable candidate. And from all the above questions it can be understood that even if you go for the one with less experience then they should have proper knowledge of that particular field and it can make easier for you. So, for your having probability in favor of yours then we consider you to ask these 10 questions to get your better workforce. As they can be helpful to lead you to your desired goal. Maybe to become a top android app development services provider or top App Store development company.