Take Advantage Of A Quartz.net Hosted Service To Schedule Background Jobs In Your Asp.net Core Application

Take Advantage Of A Quartz.net Hosted Service To Schedule Background Jobs In Your Asp.net Core Application

Quartz.Net is a modulus and highly extensive approach for queuing or execution in the jobs and schedules.

This framework offers flexibility and effective solutions to schedule the job with the help of web applications/ asp .net development services choosing the remote server suitable for job execution. Depending upon the nature of the particular task it gets easy to select the listener on schedule II and it will be responsible for taking the job from the queue.

For a long time, it has been used to provide excellent support for working with cron expressions and job scheduling. This framework can be used for scheduling the background jobs to run in an asp.net core application without any hassle. While executing the jobs and schedules in Quartz.Net there can be a number of challenges such as volume, multithreading, memory usage, etc. While working on any web application it is quite often to execute certain tasks or schedule SAN background. In other scenarios, there are various tasks required to execute under predefined time intervals frequently.

Introduction: Quartz.net

Quartz.Net is an open-source fully-featured job scheduling solution that can be used across the applications of every size. It means that the enterprise systems from smaller to larger application scales can use this AI software development service. It is also referred to as an old stable for the asp.net community and used to run the background tasks based upon a timer. It is conducted in a reliable and clustered manner. Quartz.Net is a handy library that allows developers to schedule the recurring task to implement the Ijob interface. Although it has a limitation, by default Quartz.Net only supports a parameter list constructor that usually complicates the injection of external services inside it. 

Most dot net development companies find it difficult sometimes because of the loopholes in the system. Quartz.Net refers to an open-source asp.net platform of Java scheduling framework. It can be done through the IHosted Service interface. When you register with this interface, asp.net code will call StopAsync () and StartAsync () methods during the stop and start of the application respectively. Using this interface multiple implementations can be created and registered accordingly. That means in order to implement the repository pattern it gets difficult sometimes. Quartz.Net operates under two major concept-

  • Job- it refers to the background task that is required to run on particulars schedules
  • Scheduler- it refers to the running jobs that are based upon the crackers under a time-based schedule

Quartz.Net framework has its own Windows Service that is capable of offloading some jobs to the remote server. It is also possible to custom implement the solutions if required.

Quartz.net And Asp.net Implementation

Using the Quartz.Net services for asp .net development services are quite similar and the former uses the standard version of Dot net to make it convenient for the applications. Asp.net services highly support running background tasks using hosted services. All of the hosted services usually start when the asp.net core application begins to run in the background (under the application lifetime). While creating Quartz.Net hosted services it is possible to use the standard Asp.Net core applications and other services to run down the tasks in the background.

This scenario of a non-HTTP version is possible with the involvement of generic hosts. 

However, for general reasons, generic hosts cannot be used and it is categorized under the improvisations of Asp.net code with little investment considering the non-HTTP functions. Quartz.Net offers a robust solution for the time to background services that can run after a time interval. The users can ensure all his staff running at specific time intervals under any combination or particular days using Cron Trigger. Using the Artificial Intelligence Solution it is easy to run different attributes of the application in a clustered fashion in order to run single instances for a given task.

Quartz as a well-supported platform has a cross-platform library to schedule the task within the application. Because of the core architecture of ASP.NET and amazing middleware support, it is quite different from using the asp.net core MVC application framework. 

Project Setup

Simple asp.net core application project template can be used as a base for implementing the solutions. Initially, it is important to add the project package of Quartz Nuget. If you are developing on Linux on the Mac platform then you have to use the Dot net command-line interface from the console.

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Dependency Injection

The asp.net code platform has potential dependency injection support. Initially, it is important to set up and in order to write the implementation for Quartz.Net, it is essential to set up the project based upon scheduling the task. First of all, write the task and code unit that will be executed on the specific schedules or job.

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; 

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; 

using Quartz; 

using System; 

using System.Threading.Tasks; 

namespace Schedule.WebApiCore.Sample.Schedule 

public class ScheduledJob : IJob 

 { private readonly IConfiguration configuration; 

private readonly ILogger

 public ScheduledJob(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger


this.logger = logger; 

 this.configuration = configuration; 

public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)

 { this.logger.LogWarning($"Hello from scheduled task {DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}"); 

await Task.CompletedTask;



 In Artificial Intelligence Solution or Asp.Net Applications, caching the common data can increase the efficiency of MVC Web application performance. For example, the memory of the application response time has an impact on its performance. It is equally beneficial to refresh the data from time to time. Approaches can be used to perform the action including its expiry. There is a fine chance that it can create various bottlenecks in the application as once the data expires it is important to use the request thread in order to pull it back. 

In this situation, Asp.Net cache fulfills the requirement of response back request. Another approach that can be used with equal efficiency is scheduling cache refresh the background work along with periodically refreshing the cache. It is extremely easy to implement across asp.net platforms until you are relying on Quartz.Net.

Scheduling Quartz.net In Asp.net Core Application

To resolve several scheduling tasks in a specific manner, running them structurally helps a lot. While refreshing the cache of the applications it is important to have the data fresh and warm irrespective of the actual traffic. The rest of the tasks can be synchronized or cleaned periodically. There are a number of excellent architectural patterns that are more than just elegant or efficient. This includes distributed queues, enterprise service buses, publish and subscribe models, etc. The simplicity of the actual scheduling task is a constant decision variable.

For this purpose, the dot net development company MVC5 uses Quartz.Net (2.X). It is because of its simplicity and ease to use, plus it has powerful tools to handle complex scheduling projects. To implement the services, it is important to have all the features onboard such as strongly typed configuration, dependency injection, standard logging, etc. 

Quartz.Net offers a much more effective solution as a library. The easiest way to include this function in an asp.net application is to implement it through NuGet. It can be done by typing the installation package at the package manager console or by right-clicking the visual studio project solution explorer and then selecting the packages accordingly.

The perennial question on Microsoft Technology Partner Asp.Net concerns the scheduling task as a segment of web applications. The requirement is to transfer the updates in regular time intervals but tweeting it can actually perform a lot of maintenance functions as well. Usually, Quartz.Net is composed of three components i.e. a job, a trigger, and a scheduler. The scheduler takes care of ensuring the job performance based upon the schedule dictated by configuration. The scheduler registers the job and trigger and at last, you can execute the code. The right place for doing this is within the application start event of the court to call the job scheduler. For bootstrapping the task you would require to place it under the application startup and run the command-

using ScheduledTaskExample.ScheduledTasks;

using System;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Optimization;

using System.Web.Routing;

namespace ScheduledTaskExample


public class Global : HttpApplication


void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)


// Code that runs on application startup







Using Quartz.net For Background Scheduling Within Asp.net Core

Any sort of background processing in AI software development and computer systems is usual. However, the fundamental behind this concept is to process the data without blocking the user interface or trigger the function at repeated intervals. Now, we will learn how to implement the recurring jobs, background jobs, delayed jobs, and schedules within asp.net core. When it comes to implementing the background jobs in asp.net core two possible solutions are available as Quartz.Net and Hangfire. The latter is the modern approach and it is suitable for basic use only. Hangfire is a turnkey solution but it becomes impossible when we have to work over complex solutions. 

On the contrary, Quartz.Net includes easy to deal with complex stuff ability. The first thing you have to do is to configure the asp.net core application. If you do not have it then create it using the command line or IDE. Now you will require a package reference of Quartz.Net.

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Quartz.Net is a fully-featured open source scheduling system that can easily be used for the applications of all sizes. It also has a pure and simple .Net library developed in C#. Quartz.Net can also be said as a port of a popular open-source job scheduling framework in Java and it has an actual reference with the JAVA project. There have been several releases of this version in light of ASP.NET mentioned-below-

  1. Quartz.net 3.0.1- This release is bug-free and it can easily fix cron expression and revert the scheduling interface to the original form without having risk or cancellation tokens. This release is usable with asp.net remote infrastructure and its zip packaging includes Quartz.server.


  • Including Quartz.server create any zip package
  • The cron expression fails to have the inputs 
  1. Quartz.net 3.0.2- This release has minor fixes that can correct the single issue and prevent entire use of the remoting


  • For sterilization mark ReadOnly Compatible HashSet
  1. Quartz.net 3.0.3- This release is a minor fix


  • It improves the listener error handling
  • the currently executing tasks or schedule cannot be retrieved through remoting
  1. Quartz.net 3.0.4- It has a nasty memory league usually caused by the scheduler thread sharing and its cancellation with the token sources. It is advised to upgrade.


  • the memory leak occurs due to the cancellation of token resource

Scheduling Messages With Microsoft Technology Associate Quartz.net

Every project irrespective of its size, requires certain kind of job scheduling services at the point of their service. It is inclusive of sending emails at night or managing the push messages to be sent from a specific time frame along with executing a number of periodic tasks. Hence, it becomes essential to understand how to schedule the messages with Quartz.Net. 

Project Structure

The most helpful way to explain the project structure is to break it down into smaller functions and understand it in-depth. 

Data- Starting the asp.net project essentially usually begins with getting the data in the right manner. If the entities for the project are done right then it can enhance the chance of working things together. The status of every message will be defined under StatusEnum;

namespace FcmSharp.Scheduler.Quartz.Database.Model


public enum StatusEnum


Scheduled = 1,

Finished = 2,

Failed = 3



The push message also has a topic that it will be sent through having the title and body. It also contains a status and schedule time for which it is sent.

using System;

namespace FcmSharp.Scheduler.Quartz. Database.Model


public class Message


public int Id { get; set; }

public string Topic { get; set; }

public string Title { get; set; }

public string Body { get; set; }

public StatusEnum Status { get; set; }

public DateTime Scheduled Time { get; set; }



If you want to get the data in a route of its database then you can use the Application DbContext for the same. Microsoft Technology Partner justifies the requirements of Quartz.Net under the ASP.Net app system.

This can easily extend to the DB context of the application which is a combination of repository pattern and the unit of its work. Altogether, they can be used to query the data from the database and track its changes. It is also helpful to write back the commands to store them as units and the entity framework of the score can override the OnModelCreating command to apply the database configuration solutions.

Scheduling The Message With Quartz.net

The iMessaging service has the reading message and pushes it to the server entity. It also deals with developing the messages in the database and scheduling them using Quartz.Net. The concepts that are important to understand while working with asp.net core and Quartz.net are-

  • ISchedule- it is the main application interface interacting efficiently with the scheduler
  • IJob- which interface is used to implement the components that you wish to execute using the scheduler
  • IJobDetail- this interface is used to define the job instances
  • JobBuilder- this interface is used to build or define the job detail instances
  • TriggerBuilder- this interface is used to define or built the trigger instances

In order to push the jobs into the scheduler in Quartz.Net, you can use the service known as SchedulerService. It can get the scheduler injection using the method ScheduleMessageAsync-

  • It saves the message in the database
  • Build the job schedule
  • Build the job trigger to define the scheduling time
  • Schedule the job with the help of trigger and return the created message


Quartz.Net is an open-source asp.net code belonging to the Java job scheduling framework. It is a system that can be deployed from small to large scale enterprise systems. It is highly preferred by the Microsoft Technology Associate for managing the job and scheduler as per the specifications. The efficiencies of Quartz.Net can be deployed around the asp.net framework. Once implemented successfully, all this job and use can be stored in the database so that you won't lose them when the application stops functioning. Quartz.Net also has a persistent feature in its framework so that the users can easily store the jobs or schedulers used in a database along with multiple providers.