Coffee with CIS - Latest News & Articles - Coffee with CIS
Author’s Information
 Sharepoint Consultant
16+ Yrs of Experience in Software Development with Microsoft technology (Asp.Net, C#,VB.Net,Asp,VB,Sql Server) Application Development, Database and Project Management in a wide variety of business applications. Particularly interested in Web Development and Web Design using Classic ASP, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#.NET, Visual Basic 6.0,Crystal Report and MS-SQL Server. SQL Server Reporting,MS Access

The 21st century is considered to the technological era. The advancement of technologies is occurring at such a rapid pace that our priorities are also shifting with it. In earlier times the business and the entrepreneurs have no option to develop a customized application...

ASP.netdevelopmentservices SaaSDevelopmentCompany softwaredevelopmentservices enterprisemobilitysolutions
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Advancement of the technologies is increasing day by day. Recently, a Microsoft Gold Service partner named Belitsoft, who is famous to enhance the power of the organization by fuelling enterprise network and shared knowledge.

SharePointApplicationdevelopment MicrosoftTechnologyAssociates MicrosoftAzureSolution asp.netdevelopmentservices Azurecloudsolutions
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There are various options available in each and every field in today’s world. Web and application development have become an important aspect in today’s world and this is because of the increase in demand for the application.

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In the 21st century Business and enterprises are migrating from the traditional systems to new strong and powerful web applications. Nowadays every organization have their application or a website. Even our governments also doing their work through these applications and websites.

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Object-oriented programming languages are almost everywhere we look irrespective of the industry.

DotNetdevelopmentcompany CSharp ASP.NETdevelopmentservices SharePointdevelopmentservices Microsoftwebappdevelopment Azuresoftwaredevelopmentservices MicrosoftTechnologyAssociate
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.NET framework development is a product of the Microsoft community.

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During former times, businesses didn’t have options to have modified enterprise features with innovative applications.

enterprisewebapplicationdevelopment SharePointapplicationdevelopment Microsofttechnologyassociate DotNetDevelopmentCompany Enterprisemobilitysolution Asp.netdevelopmentservices
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ASP.Net has become an important aspect in the web development system.

WebsiteDevelopmentServices Microsofttechnologyassociates WebDevelopmentCompanyinUSA ASPNETdevelopmentservices DotNetDevelopmentcompany ASPNETProjectDeployment
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The adoption of Cloud Integration Solutions has exploded in the last few years and it is not too hard to understand why.

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Back in 2008, Microsoft made the announcement of releasing Microsoft Azure, but its official launch came in late 2010.

MicrosoftTechnologyAssociate AmazonWebServices Sharepointconsulting MicrosoftAzurecloudservices SitecoreCMSdevelopmentservices hiredotnetdevelopers AzureCloudsolutions
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