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By Mayank
 Content Writer
Bonjour! I am creative and skilled Content Writer with diverse knowledge of writing contents for diversified fields. I have a 2+ year experience in content writing, editing, and proofreading.

Several researches have displayed that office workers aren’t as productive as remote workers. The recent upgradation in office infrastructure has added a gimmicky factor to all office designs. There are all sorts of conference and meeting rooms with modern architecture. Moreover,...

OfficeWorkers RemoteWorkers In-OfficeWorkers Productivity
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Podcasts have become a golden medium for advertisers.

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The business world has now trying to develop and reach a new level with the involvement of software product management.

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In regards to shopping, many entrepreneurs have decided to take their company online.Statista has estimated that 1.92 billion global buyers will take part in e-commerce tasks in 2019. The number is expected to grow to over 2 billion by 2021.This demand for online merchandise has caused...

machinelearning ecommercemarketing ArtificialIntelligence AI Ecommerce
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In the era of digitalization, the entire way of handling business has changed. The blockchain technology has made a revolution in the world of business. New business modules pop up every day and the ancient methods are nearly forgotten. However, every new change comes with a price. The...

CustomSoftwareAsAService BlockchainAppDevelopment BlockchainDevelopment BlockchainDevelopmentCompany Blockchain
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The operations performed by the computer are done with the help of characters, quantities or symbols which are stored and transmitted through electric signals or magnetic recording medium is known as data. 

BigDataServices LeadingWebDevelopmentCompany BigdataSolution Bigdata
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Android Q is the 10th and the lasted version of Android. 

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In the era of digitalization, people tend to accept new opportunities every day.

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For over four decades now Microsoft has been empowering developers with various tools that would enable them to create software and provide services with efficiency.

BlockchainDevelopmentServices IntroductionToAzureBlockchainServices IntroductionToAzure BlockchainServices AzureBlockchainServices
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When you investigate the On-Demand Economy, you will discover an image of development where organizations who are taking a shot at the demand-based model are exceptionally effective and have after some time turned into the financial specialist's top pick.

AI ArtificialIntelligence AndroidApplicationDevelopmentCompany AIProgrammingSoftware ArtificialIntelligenceProgramming
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