List of top front-end technologies used in our company to bring superlative results for clients

List of top front-end technologies used in our company to bring superlative results for clients

The front end is a common term when it comes to the field of web development and processes.

It is the terminology or a concept that involves various sections and stages of developing a website, solely focussing on structure, design, interface, behavior, animation and everything which a user can see.

It does not involve any part which is inaccessible by the user like coding, core programming, and other things. In other words, it can be easily explained that when a user opens a particular application, software or website, whatever the things he/she can see, comes under front end programming or front end development. Over the years, front end technologies have developed at a pretty face pace and new technologies have come which have gained the attention of almost every custom web development service so that they could bring superlative results for their clients.

Front end technology is one of the most innovative, creative and powerful technologies in the landscape of web development. Ecommerce website development companies find this emerging technology very useful. This is because of its huge ability to attract customers with the help of a fascinating interface and easy usability. Some of the front end technologies which can prove extremely beneficial in this year and have a promising future in the coming years are as explained below. These technologies are variable and are subject to time, coming innovations, client demands, and future prospects, but as of now,

They Are The Most Popular And Favorable By Front End Developers All Over The Globe.

1. Novi Builder

This is a special drag and drop builder, developed at the end of the year 2016 when the demands for visual page editors started to prevail in the market. Novi Builder is an extremely useful tool for those developers who are experienced in front end web development.

It helps the developers to access the source code which in turn makes them able to change the design of the webpage or website multiple times. It provides developers with the complete hold of projects, especially online, and make it more functional and efficient. It has a large eCommerce support which means eCommerce website development companies and eCommerce app development companies can rely on this technology for their functionality and working.

2. One Subscription

One subscription is basically a web or application development kit that has the benefit of accessing a great number of top quality products. It has the ability and worth of launching full-fledged blogs, online stores, commercial websites, web pages and much more. It has a wide prospect of functionality which makes it likable and much used by custom web development services. It provides professional support for all items which minimizes the loss of errors and provides guidance to the newcomers.

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It has regular updates that make this tool even more attractive and favorable. It provides unlimited yearly license and security with the facility of cancellation within 14 days if someone finds it not useful and has not downloaded anything from the database. In short, it provides a kind of trial period too. Services provided by ONE subscription are template customization or installation, installation of plugins and graphic elements, themes, and other visual advantages.


VUE.JS is one of the oldest open-source JavaScript framework developed back in February 2014, and since then it has been one of the most used frameworks for building interfaces and single-phase applications. Combining with other tools, it acts as a firm framework and is acceptable and widely used by developers all over the world. VUE.JS is free from pedigree and has been stable since past years which is the reason why it is used by leading web development company.

It has less baggage than other frameworks, lightweight and easy to learn. It comprises of various optional and attractive tools that the developers can be used for building user interfaces. Most popular companies such as Adobe, Xiaomi, Alibaba, etc use this technology as a framework for web application and development. It provides a 5 day free trial to the customers and then has several plans for subscription, usage and downloading.

4. Blockchain Testnet

As the blockchain technology is prevailing and taking over maximum financial businesses and firms, developers have come with blockchain test net which helps in overcoming various challenges related to technology and provided various solutions using blockchain technology without the actual involvement of users in it. In other words, it acts as a complementary element or a substitute for blockchain technology.

5. NPM

NPM stands for a node package manager and is specially designed for JavaScript. The main function of NBM is helping in discovering packages of reusable code and assemble them in much more interactive ways than before.

The node package manager is the most widely used command-line utility tool all over the world basically used for interacting and web development aids. NPM encourages the code industry and provides reusability of code within a team which promotes innovation, creativity and team management. It has the ability to publish and have complete access over namespace. In addition to it, NBM has the facility to manage public and private code simultaneously using the same workflow.

6. Ionic 2

Ionic 2 has been specially made for mobile app development which makes it one of the top front end technologies when it comes to app development for mobile phones. Ionic 2 has a great significance in eCommerce app development companies because it gives the benefit of developing web as well as native applications. It is a free and open-source cross-platform mobile app development company which is having good community support like StackOverflow and Slack because of its beneficial advantages and high usage by leading web development companies.

7. Tensor Flow

Tensor Flow is an extremely popular and intelligent system whose first version was released in the year 2017 which is nothing but Google Brain’s second-generation system which has the added functionality and ability to run on multiple CPUs and GPUs and various operating systems like macOS, Windows, Linux and various mobile computing platforms like Android and iOS.

Tensor Flow has a very flexible architecture which helps it in easy computation in a variety of computer and mobile platforms. It has an additional advantage of machine learning development apart from web development in all kinds of platforms. It has an advanced version, named Tensor Flow 2.0 which has added benefits for mobile as well as application development.

8. CodeKit

CodeKit is also one of the latest front end technology which helps in web development.

CodeKit has a special advantage that it makes the process of web development faster when compared to other different web development tools. It combines the code, minifies it and checks the syntax of JavaScript. In addition to these features, CodeKit has the advantage of optimizing the images. The files are comparatively of lesser size as the whole code is minified.

It works with all kinds of programming languages without causing any kind of trouble and hence favorite among beginners. An additional advantage of CodeKit is the changes made with the help of CSS are injected that does not need the reloading of the whole page which saves data, time and memory.

There are other softwares like HTML BoilerPlate and WebStorm which has been in a trend when it comes to front end development among custom web development services.