How Artificial Intelligence Can help in Microsoft Business Solutions

How Artificial Intelligence Can help in Microsoft Business Solutions

In today’s market, Artificial Intelligence solutions are proving to be immensely beneficial to businesses across every field.

With the help of AI software development, the business world is able to work faster, smarter and efficiently without consuming much time.

As the technology is advancing more organizations are looking for Artificial Intelligence solutions to streamline their operations. Microsoft business solutions are offering the use of AI technology to alleviate the business to the next step. Microsoft has been researching on AI extensively and has taken the advantage of data explosion and powerful computing to help and advance the algorithms that can enable natural exchange between machine and people.

With the Microsoft application development businesses can get solutions in areas like energy usage optimization, intelligent buildings, safer cities, better data management, and enhanced services thereby improving the performance of the process and operation of a business.

Recently Microsoft has partnered with Forbes, Accenture, and Avanade conduct a survey to understand the impact of AI in businesses and how it is gaining its roots within the businesses. Few facts that came across in this survey conducted across multiple industries of 305 executives are:

• Top executives and thinkers understand the importance and complexity of AI

• To fulfill the potential of the AI the executives realized they need the courage to reimagine the business and seel newer approach to the management and decision-making.

• New leadership encompassing preservation and vision is required based on three foundations:

- The democratization of data and AI that weaves into the fabric of the organization

- Reaching the right balance of collaboration between the power of the machine and human

- Creating an ethical framework for the enterprise that is driven by AI

But to gain the advantages that Microsoft offering with its AI software development technology it is important that a person should be Microsoft Technology Associate. With the certified knowledge of Microsoft and its various certification courses, one can avail the opportunity to take their business to the next step with the use of AI resources that are offered by Microsoft business solutions. Here is some of the usage of AI software development used by in Microsoft Business solutions to further the business.

Create A Competitive Edge: A data-rich infographic AI can help a business to chart its way forward. The AI-driven data can help you to stay competitive and as a Microsoft Technology Associate one can learn how leaders of the industry are creating new values from human-centered AI. Furthermore, how the big data and deep and machine learning can influence the next step in the business.

Increasing the knowledge: AI and related technologies are now being incorporated into businesses to improve the workflow. AI is being especially helpful for knowledge workers in business, so who are these knowledge workers?

The group of people who require data for analysis, making decisions, planning the actions and which impacts the business. About 44% of the Forbes Insight research revealed that many businesses empowered by the Microsoft business solutions are replacing the repetitive tasks by AI that knowledge workers were required to do. This results in the knowledge workers being able to focus on higher value and decision-making actions. Many AI-powered solutions are also being used to distill key metrics into dashboards that are intuitive and highly visual.

Altering organizational structure: With the usage of AI in optimizing the workflow and empowerment of the knowledge workers, there is a fundamental shift going on in the corporate structures. It is moving towards having a business with employees or technologies that have the ability to cross-function.

This means businesses are moving towards reducing or eliminating data and operating silos so that the process can be optimized from end to end. Additionally, the Forbes survey revealed that 37% of the executives are focusing their work on individuals to develop teaming and tasks rather than solely on functions. Microsoft application development working with the AI also has the power to harness data from various sources and optimize collaboration.

Enable workflows independent of location: The survey conducted by Forbes revealed that about 30% of the respondents are considering the location of the business. They are willing to take advantage of the improved AI technologies that would enable them to have decision flows and action from anywhere.

The advances made in data storage, transmission, communication along with tele and videoconferences the ability to share data anywhere anytime and coupling them with AI technology will only improve the scenario. The advancement will be immensely beneficial for knowledge workers, giving them the freedom to work from anywhere and anytime. This will also enable businesses to have shared services.

Read the blog- Microsoft AI Training Courses: Microsoft Starts AI and entry-level Applications development Classes

Flattening corporate hierarchies: 15% of the executives who responded in the Forbes survey revealed that with the help of AI as part of Microsoft Business solutions they are working to improve the agility and speed of the decision making by flattening the organizational charts. With the AI the flow of information, quality of it can help in reducing the decision-making layers. Features like chatbots and dashboards enabled with AI applications will enable smart and efficient decision-making process.

The emergence of AI with the advances of cloud technology is offering greater efficiency in data transfer and storage. In such a scenario Microsoft Technology Associate will be of immense importance because the strategy with AI is still to observe, learn and experiment. So it is important that as a business owner one views how AI will help one to take the enterprise to the next step with the Microsoft Business Solutions.