Coffee with CIS - Latest News & Articles - Coffee with CIS
Author’s Information
By Chris
 Software Developer
I'm Chris, based in United States, an adept and well established writer with over a decade of solid writing experience. I am a technology geek and love to research, write and help develop innovative technologies.

Understanding Web 3.0? It is important to bear in mind that the concept does not have a specific definition, but is usually the subject of debate among specialists. In principle, to understand what web 3.0 is, we must know what the two previous "versions" of the web refer to.


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We live in an era in which computers are no longer the only devices connected to the Internet; smartphones, IoT (Internet of things) devices etc are another series of devices connected to the network, which multiplies the risks of being victims of cyber criminals.

cybercriminals maliciousprograms CyberSecurity cyberthreats malware cyberattacks
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We have been talking about Initial Coin Offering (ICO) for years, but it has not been until recently that everything that has to do with cryptocurrencies have reached an astonishing dimension. ICOs are just one more aspect of cryptocurrencies, but very important, in the aspect of their...


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