Coffee with CIS - Latest News & Articles - Coffee with CIS
Author’s Information
In my professional work experience of 11+ years, I have lead several complex software projects and delivered high quality solution to clients across the globe using latest Microsoft Technologies and JS staks. As Process Manager at Cyber Infrastructure, CIS, I manage wide-ranging Microsoft technology projects from initiation to completion. Industry domains I have helped many clients are: Education, Media and Entertainment, Retail and E-commerce, Travel, Hospitality, Fintech, and Real estate.

.NET by Microsoft is a free and open-source developer platform under the .NET Foundation which can be used for building many different types of software applications. These applications can be for desktop, web, games (including Xbox), mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), and the like.

hiredotnetdevelopers MicrosoftTechnologyAssociate bestwebdevelopmentcompany Azurecloudsolutions MicrosoftAzureSolution asp.netdevelopmentservices
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It must be considered in the very first place before deciding anything for the business is what are your exact requirements? Does it need the cross-platform areas for propagating the views it has held for the people around them or should they simply go for the platforms which are found...

AndroidAppDevelopmentCompany hybridappdevelopmentservices PWAdevelopmentcompany mobileappdevelopmentcompany progressivewebappdevelopmentcompany mobileapplicationdevelopmentservices
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Website development services are something that can benefit the business owners and also help their business to reach a certain height so that they can get more customers for the products or services that the company is providing.

Websitedevelopmentservices ArchitectureofASP.NetFrameworks Featuresof.NetFramework Asp.netdevelopmentservices Microsofttechnologyassociate dotnetdevelopmentcompany Microsoftwebappdevelopment WebdevelopmentcompaniesintheUSA
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No matter the innovations or advancement in technology over the last years, Cloud integration services have always remained a sought-after technical set for the IT industry.

Sapsoftwaredevelopment Cloudintegrationservices Cloudcomputingservices SapCustomdevelopment Cloud Softwaredevelopmentservices Bigdatasolutions
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On-premise infrastructure is a reliable method for intranet services and the business application being used in the offices.

BigDataCloudSolutions CloudIntegrationservice cloudcomputingservices SAPconsultingservices bigdataservices cloudsoftwaresolutions CloudMigration
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The first thought that comes into mind with the word stack is something like a heap of objects or things placed collectively at the same place.

MicrosoftTechnologyAssociate Hiredotnetdeveloper DotNetDevelopmentCompany MicrosoftDevelopmentServices Microsoft MicrosoftTechnology
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Enterprise Mobility Solutions is a combined set of technology and processes that are working to facilitate the management of an increase in wireless networks, mobile devices, and other services.

mobilitymanagement customwebdevelopmentservices EMM EnterpriseMobilityManagement
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Introduction of Prism Prism is a framework that facilitate the additional features for developers.It makes Xaml application loosely coupled,Reliable, optimized and maintainable for multiple platforms like Xamarin.Forms, WPF, Windows10 and UWP(Universal windows plate form).


PrismExplained CustomSoftwareDevelopment PrismIntroduction Prism
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About Xamarin In this new era of mobile communication mobile technologies are growing rapidly. The problem is with applications for all of those different operating systems is that for developing the same application for different platform we have to write code for all platform....

Xamarin.iOS Xamarin.Android Xamarin.Forms CrossPlatformTechnologies CrossPlatform Xamarin CodeReusability HybridApplication
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