Alert: API security will be a priority as API-based IoT attacks surge in 2020

Alert: API security will be a priority as API-based IoT attacks surge in 2020

Compromising the security can make all the progress go in vain.

Today, the cyberattacks are pretty common. When businesses build digital platforms, they often work with APIs. API aka Application programming interface is used to make a website or app capable to perform tasks. This also demands the transaction of data to and fro. Also, the external services are leveraged with the help of APIs. As industry stays in concern about the requirement of security testing to shift the security forces, the efficiency of security is still in question. This resulted in the developers to choose their own security testing methods and tools for all the week reasons and this end up using the options which provide only marginal security.

The security code continues to ship a number of vulnerabilities exposing the IoT app development services providers to risks and ultimately the breaches occur. In the present app ecosystem, APIs essentially include microservices, IoT, web-based customer client communications, mobile communications and a lot more. Hence depending upon such instances also accelerates along with the growing ecosystem for cloud applications which built as a reusable component for the backend automation and growth of the applications to leverage overall APIs off the cloud. There is still a part of an organization which treats API security enough for different manner as it treats to the web application security. This factor indicates that API security still lags behind the aspects of potential application security measures.

In 2020 API security will become more developers orientated providing the testing tools and accurate response to the breaches. Hence API security will remain in priority for the various platforms and attacks on the application programming interfaces are expected to be limited. Also, the unsecured API can even lead to exposure of heavy information loads, for example, write from airline ticketing to E-Commerce or online shopping and ordering. also, the organizations will be more challenge to adopt some extensive security solutions to scan huge applications along with delivering the critical vulnerable information and how to make the right decisions without actually slowing down the pipeline.

Understanding API attacks and breaches

The security attacks on application programming interfaces army rally seen in the last few years and business platforms spend plenty of money to secure them. For mobile app development companies, the absolute solutions are not yet ready to put, and above that APIs are the compulsive tools to be used.. However, the guidelines save from choosing thee insecure APIs, which are not verified. In just last year around 150 airlines got their customer information compromised in one way or another just because the booking system allowed the particulars to access customer records changing the identifier in URL. 

You can never measure the obvious factor in such instances and it can be predicted that business platforms will spend a lot to secure APIs in order to prevent the attacks.

The actual role of application programming interface or APIs is rising as per the significance of the enterprises and it is in progress, so does the risk and attacks associated with it. According to the security professionals, API security will remain a top concern in a large number of platforms and businesses including the segments of User interface design and so on. It is better to say that API security attacks are no longer an issue of the future because of the widespread proliferation of the segment is already among us. There are a number of causes that are increasing its prevalence along with the importance of API within the large or small organizations.

The digital transformation of today's world is increasing the business importance of internal as well as external application integrations while the most prevalent trends rely on the APIs to manage the data flow. It can be said in a short that a large number of components require APIs to adhere to everything together.

You might be wondering what led to the proliferation of APIs? Well, the answer is microservice architecture, usual trends of cloud computing, Custom mobile Application Development, mobile or web applications, IoT are some of the factors that have led to the cause. Earlier what used to be an indoor call between the applications component is now called API which is made more in public networks and ultimately they are more susceptible to the attacks. More exacerbating the issue is the obvious nature of software improvements which means that in the absence of automated security controls and tools it is almost impossible to manage the safe conduct of API configurations and codes.

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There is another factor that the frequent agile iterations of plenty of APIs within the same enterprises make it nearly impossible for the security professionals of the same platform to control it manually. They also find it difficult to enforce the security policies or to find any other best practices associated with the prevention across all of them. Hence the business analysts predict that 2020 will be a kick-off year for API security concerns.

What is the deal?

As per the Gartner forecast, there are around 8.5 billion internet connection enabled devices that are in use currently and the latest business systems and business processes are in line to incorporate the same. it is also predicted that the number of IoT connected devices will cross 27 billion marks all across the world by the year 2021 surpassing the number of IoT app development services. Another popular name in the series is Cisco which estimates that by the end of 2020 the point will reach beyond 3.5 connected devices every individual.

You might be wondering how these statistics are helpful. And the answer is they all guide towards the emerging technology that is IoT and it has a bright future ahead. A large number of business platforms have started taking it under consideration and they are looking for a way to maximize the overall efficiency by deploying the Internet of Things solutions. Soon we might see a variable increase in the number of investments and development in the field of IoT. Just like every coin has two sides, this emerging technology also has its own drawbacks and one of the major ones is security and privacy. It is concerning because until now privacy has never been so exposed and recently the number of breaches is a testament to the security professionals. 

Understanding IoT network security

The traditional networks are not challenging to secure but they have some performance issues on the contrary IoT network is much more challenging when it comes to security. This is because of the reason that it follows a large number of communication protocols along with the devices and standards. All of this together contributes to a more complex environment which is extremely hard to manage. The attackers try to attack the network because it easily gives them control over the IoT devices and Systems connected in the same network. By deploying antivirus software, firewalls, intrusion detection, and prevention system these breaches can be controlled to a great extent. There are some other methods that you can try to prevent your IoT network. Some of the incredible ones are-


Most of the Mobile app development company prefer this method to secure their IoT system from the attacks because the user has an option to simply go for authentication in the form of a two-way authentication process, biometrics, and digital certificates. Again the traditional authentication methods require the presence of manual configuration or human beings but IoT identification does not require any such privileges. As it has embedded sensors and machines to machine algorithms and interaction it does not ask for human intervention for completing the authentication. Hence if you wish to go with IoT devices and Systems it is extremely important to have a particular mindset.


Most companies Hire app developers to bring encrypting data on the surface because by bringing it in rest along with the data in motion it will help you to maintain the overall integrity of your data by decreasing the risk associated with it. It is obvious that the hardware profiles of different devices vary to a great extent, hence there is no single standard encryption process or protocol present which can be implemented all across the IoT enabled devices or systems.

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This instance presents a challenge while encrypting the IoT data because the developer will have to use a bunch of techniques for every different device. Adding a sense of bitterness, encrypting this device even requires plenty of efficient encryption keys and life cycle management strategies for better. This is because inefficient key management will make the device is more vulnerable towards the attacks and it will also increase the chances of breaches. On the bright side, if you are able to encrypt the IoT data then you can easily protect your data from the attackers.

Public key infrastructure-

It is generally that the hardware capabilities of devices may differ from one another but there are IoT devices that can prevent the use of public key infrastructure but it doesn't essentially mean that this method is not effective for securing the network. Significance of public key infrastructure is highly validated in Custom mobile Application Development because it takes advantage of the most complex digital certificates along with cryptographic keys by offering an extensive range of key lifecycle management efficiencies. The benefits offered by it essentially include generation, management, distribution and revocation of private as well as public cryptographic keys. 

For serving the cause you can load all these complex digital certificates along with the cryptographic keys into the essential IoT network or devices which are most importantly enabled by third party public key infrastructure software. This will enhance the security of the network and communication between any two devices. For the manufacturer, it is advised to install this complex digital certificate and keys right after the manufacturing.

API security-

This segment has the highest concern because it is critical to secure API to ensure that the data is transmitted by authorized persons only from one point to the backend system. this will not only help the developers to make sure about the number of authorized devices, concerned persons or applications that are using the APIs but it also helps to detect the potential attacks or threats that are seen over APIs.

During the app development process, it is expected from the app developers to be vigilant because even the fraction of security flaws can destroy the whole network or IoT applications. Also, app developers have to make sure that the network not only connects or performs concurrently but it also secures their applications as well. You have to keep a close eye over such breaches against the API that you are using in order to protect it.

Security analytics-

Right from collecting the data to exaggerating it or from monitoring data to normalizing it all across the IoT enabled devices a developer is required to monitor the available options for reporting. In order to alert the organizations about any fraudulent or malicious activity security analytics perform the most brilliant service and it can be said that they are taking the place of background and breaching the policies. They are capable to take complete advantage of big data technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning and allow the developer to protect the anomaly detection. 

This activity goes a long way by decreasing the number of false facts but still, there is a lot of work to be done under this segment and to ensure that the security analytics is actually helpful in detecting the attacks and intrusions that can go under the radar of firewalls.


How API security controls will evolve

In the year 2019 one out of five organizations reported that the attackers targeted APIs with regular violations where almost 15% of the organizations reported that APIs are subjected to regular injection attacks. The spread of security knowledge will become paramount in the year 2020 in order to decrease the risk and vulnerability that lead to them. This will involve setting priorities all developing the solutions for-

  • Security misconfiguration
  • Improper asset management
  • Security injection
  • Inadequate logging and monitoring
  • Inadequate resources and rate-limiting
  • Access exposure to data
  • Broken authentication

At present in the Internet of Things solutions APIs are no longer considered as protocols to shift or move the data because they remain a major component in modern application. As compared to the traditional application the differentiated marks are quite risky for APIs on the contrary traditional vulnerabilities say like XSS, SQLi and so on are becoming less prominent in APIs.

2020 will be the year of secure API connectivity

Driven by the requirement to have on-demand services at every level of User interface design and automation there will be a search in such needs for the technology to interconnect through multiple APIs. the service providers which do not have interconnected before will find themselves passed over such selection in support of the API access adding more value to the existing solutions. Also, the DevOps efficiencies will continue to raise their significance in existing on moving projects. Altogether this will drive an increase in focus to word the security of the project and software.

The cybersecurity professionals must be efficient to secure the operating systems along with the firmware of the devices. This might give cover to secure the APIs in case of third party integrations. By offering the best possible security measures they must also have the expertise to deal with authentication and strong encryption strategies. This can be only achieved with crypto key management and better device hardening.

Major demarcations will be seen in the theft of the codes for encrypted data under the segment of cybercrimes which will begin to stockpile the details for the preparation of quantum computing advantages where traditional encryption methods become quite easy to crack. In absence of adequate detection of major issues with security breaches have bypassed earlier. In order to combat all such causes, more addition will be seen in the deception technology in security guidelines for better coverage and security.

The bottom line

Apart from the security concerns and other emerging technologies, there are still some platforms operating on a fragile network. This may have legacy systems that are stitched together with API connections. This stage of a security incident triggers major outbreaks in the security network. You can take it as a wake-up call to analyze the legacy system security and make an effort to Hire app developers or service providers to overcome the cause. Data attacked have surged over the past few years but most of them resulted from insecure API networks. There are some high-profile companies that figure out a way to deal with API security attacks and in spite of the damage companies, in general, have been quite slow to respond towards the going concern which is raised by APIs. It is said that 2020 will be the year when companies will decide to wake up to the attacks and bring API security on the top of the list. 

Along with the predictions being made in the field of API evolution, we cannot simply deny the risk of API based attacks in 2020. These attacks will affect several high profile websites and applications over social media, financial processes, peer-to-peer, interactive interface, messaging and a lot more. This will add to millions of transactions and other user profiles been scrapped.